Monday, March 20, 2006

Day 4 - Mar 18

The final three sessions I had planned to attend before checking out of the Marriott and heading back across the tortuous skies home were: "Moodle Online for Peer Assessment;" "Collaborative Internet Activities;" and "Computer-mediated ESL Peer Review" (this last one I was really keen about, particularly in light of the session I'd seen the day before). So, having teased you this way, I must admit that I stayed in bed all morning instead, hoping to throw off the cold that I had suspected the day before I was getting (but went out in the evening air anyway). So I can't report on them first hand, but will try to get the handouts, and will perhaps come back here with comments if there seems to be anything interesting to say.

After lolling about under the duvet all morning, I managed to get packed and checked out and off to the airport by noon. I shared the city shuttle (which was in itself a miracle that it came just as I stepped out to the curb as the hotel reception had said the shuttles were unreliable and I'd be better off taking a cab). Anyway, I shared with one other person, who was also headed back to Seattle (Olympia, actually, but still!) and then we both ended up talking to the driver who had just moved out to Florida, at his wife's behest, after 25 years in Redmond. He said he missed the cool and cloud of the Puget Sound. As pleasant as the temperature had been during the conference, I was sure that Seattle is the best place for me: for the blue water, blue skies in its lovely summers, and for its blue state politics. Seattle has it all!

I was very pleased with Tampa International Airport, however. It had free WiFi so I was able to get a bit of compensation for having to shlep my computer all over the country on my shoulder. I killed an hour answering email, and wrote a bit more on this blog (or, perhaps rather, did some proofreading and editing--proving correct those presenters who said that having one's writing out in public provides incentive to try to get it right). So, 10 hours or so later, I was home in beautiful Seattle!

By the way, I have been checking the TESOL website ( this morning, hoping to download some of the handouts I missed, or get contact info for the presenters, but it is down (an onslaught from post-conferencers like me?). I'm not sure if you have to log in to get handouts, but I'll check that and let you know. (Thanks for the Comment, Kris!) Or, try it for yourself!

Oh, and TESOL is in Seattle next year. Halleluyah!


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